Ghanghro or sometimes referred to as Ghanghra is an indegenious tribe found in Sindh, Pakistan. It is sub-caste of Samma – a major tribe who ruled Sindh.
The tribe lives in northern part of Sindh province of Pakistan, mainly in villages Bhai Khan Ghanghro & Mehar Ghanghro near Ratodero in Larkana District and in villages of Kandyaro in Khairpur District and also in Hyderabad and Meher, Dadu.
Ghanghro tribe is mainly populated in Kandiaro and Ratodero.By looking at map of sindh,it is clear that Ratodaro and Kandiaro both towns located on bank of Indus river in opposite to each other.Thus,it is my personal assumption that Ghanghro clan orginated from this region and later on in some phase of history this clan migrated towards other parts of Sindh and Punjab.But still today majority of this clan inhabits in Kandiaro,Ratodero and nearby towns and villages.
Some historians believes that a tribe currently living in Punjab province of Pakistan named as GHANGHLA is deteriorated form of Ghanghro and infact is a same tribe but in some back history they migrated towards Punjab and thus name altered from Ghanghro to GHANGHLA.Regarding their claim they argue that Soomro is tribe living in sindh but in Punjab same tribe is named as Soomra,again in Sindh Khoso tribe and in Punjab called as Khosa.Thus they concluded that Ghanghro tribe is named as Ghanghla out there in Punjab.
Whatever the people's views are but reality is that Ghanghro is an indegenious sindhi tribe which under different circumstances and constrains through history migrated to different parts of Sindh and Punjab.